GherkinUFT  About

An Automation Testing Framework for UFT

2022/November: Sale, All Codeless 'Pro functions now included with Framework in one-off price £49.00

2020/August v2008: Added an API function library for REST API Requests.

2020/June v2006: Added video demo's to the YouTube GherkinUFT Channel.

2020/May v2005: Launch of the web site;

2020/Jan v2001: The latest release of the GherkinUFT function libraries & HTML pages;

2019/Aug v1908: Addition of the .Feature File Importer into the UFT [Global] & [TestSteps] sheets;

2018/19 v1906: Enhanced to run object recognition against Terminal Emulator green screens; 

2017 v1706: Enhanced to run object recognition against Java, .Net, vb, Web & Mobile;

2013/16: Designed and built to interpret Gherkin language and seamlessly handle object interactions;