Gherkin CodeLess Automation

Enhance your Gherkin feature descriptions with a simple scripted 'Step' definition language to create tests that run automatically against web, desktop and mobile applications. No tool experience is necessary, just a text editor like notepad++ or ms Excel to create your .Feature files and re-usable .Scenario definitions.

Use simple steps like VisitEnterSelectClickTickCheck,  Save,  Capture,  Wait, and  If/Then.

The GherkinUFT framework then uses descriptive programming to automatically find the objects on screen by Name, TagName, Text, Label, Html Id, OuterText, Title, Placeholder, InnerText, Acc-Name, Attached Text, Field ID, Index, VbName, StaticText, SwfName, IdString, AvwSpinner, Weblist Items, Partial.*, LowerCase, SpacesRemoved and if this fails it locates the text to the left of your field. 

This approach enables non-technical team members to easily script Automation features with no previous experience of the UFT tool.


The 'Pro framework's pre-built functions let your Automation Engineers focus on writing feature scripts and mentoring manual testers. 

2 days Installation and setup consultancy will see you ready to start automating your business user story requirements.

A further 2 days Training Workshop will empower your whole team to start writing feature descriptions that flow seamlessly into Automation.

Bringing increased automation test coverage and productivity.

   Scripted Step Definitions

Write your features as usual with business language describing the steps. The GherkinUFT framework will then either call a Function or a reusable Scenario that contains the step descriptions. The Codeless 'Pro interpreter then converts the  English sentences into actions on objects, with optional data to be used. As an example, some Gherkin that reads:

       Given I log into the system and fund my account 

could if found, include a re-usable scenario 

       AUT_Log_Into_The_System_And_Fund_My_Account.feature or .scenario

with step descriptions as follows

        Given I navigate to the "" page

           And I enter "John" into the "UserName" field

           And I click the "Login" button

        When I navigate to the "" page

         Then I check the "Fund Your Account" text is displayed on screen

These Codeless generic keywords are pre-coded in the framework libraries and will access the application objects using UFT's Descriptive Programming.

To give maximum flexibility, the data above in "quotes" sent to your application can come from 4 different sources:

   - "Text", just type the text you want to enter into the fields on screen

   - <Column_Name> from the example table or from the UFT [Global]sheet

   - "[DataChain]col_name" from a previous tests output UFT sheet

   - "%EnvironmentVariable" that you have previously saved a value to  

If there is more than one field on the screen with the same name, use an index to get to the required occurrence of that field. So enter "John" into the "Name[1]" field will sync to the 2nd name field. By default all field names get a zero[0] index added.

You can also used regular expressions to hook onto your field "S.*Name" will sync to the "SurName" and "Surname|Forename" will match to the first of either fields.

UFT Framework    Codeless 'Pro

This is where the magic happens........ The functions use descriptive programming to hook onto the objects in your application under test. There is a pre-built function for each object interaction, covering Web, Java, VB, .DOTNet, Terminal Emulators and Mobile applications. 

In addition to all of the object interactions, there is the conditional processing IF statement. This allows you to action the step definition depending on the value of a field. eg

If I check the <Customer_Type> field equals "X"     Then I enter the <Discount_Rate> into the "Y" field. Endif

 GherkinUFT Codeless 'Pro  

Now included free as part of the GherkinUFT Framwwork

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