GherkinUFT Dashboard Monitor 

The Dashboard Monitor is an HTML page that acts as the central hub for the GherkinUFT Framework.  Showing which Feature Packs and Features have recently run, and which are currently running. 

The dashboard and monitor are updated in real-time so you can see the current state of the test mid-run and the counts of Passed / Failed checks are also shown. If you run several features together then a 'Feature Pack' report is built and stored for audit purposes. 

        Traffic Light Statuses

Your test environment statuses can be easily seen at a glance, Red or Green, depending on the last run results of the Sanity Feature pack. This assumes you have put together a sanity pack of Features that check your mission critical systems and features. 

        Feature Packs Expanded

The Feature Pack report shows the number of Files / Scenarios run, the number of Passes and Fails, and the number of passed Checks. You can also click on any of the Feature result links to drill down to the detailed Gherkin steps.

           Dashboard Menus

The GherkinUFT dashboard menus link to information pages about the framework, and also provide lists of your Reusable Scenarios, Feature-Pack Batches and Tag Batches.  

    Monitor Running Features

The GherkinUFT dashboard Monitor will show you exactly which Features are Running, how many Features have Passed/Failed, what their estimated time to complete is and which features are queued to run next..  

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