GherkinUFT  Data Chaining

Some tests with several processes may require key data from previous tests. 

Although this is not the ideal approach making tests 'dependant' upon other tests, it can easily be achieved with the framework 'DataChaining' feature. Every test will write out an xls file containing the Global, TestSteps & Output data sheets, and these in turn can be loaded into following tests to share key fields eg newly created Account Numbers.

[Global] DataChain Column

Put the name of the preceding test into this column, and the [Output] sheet from that test will be loaded into your current tests [DataChain] sheet. This gives you access to data that you have 'Saved' to the output sheet in the previous test.

[Global] DC_Global Column

If you also want the entire [Global] sheet from the previous test to be loaded over the current tests global sheet, then put a 'Y' in this column. Useful if you want the same set of scenarios on the global sheet to be run through the current test.

Previous Tests Output

The previous tests output xls file is found in the UFT_Gherkin_Automation\Output folder:

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