Use the codeless 'Enter' step description to seamlessly interact with your system Application Under Test. Enter "Text", or enter from the global data sheet by referencing the <Column_Name> between chevron symbols. You can also enter data from previous test runs from a [DataChain]Column_Name

Similarly, the codeless 'Select' step description is used to choose an entry from a Drop-Down list. via text, <Column_Name> or the [DataChain]Column_Name sheet.

Enter into a Field

                    Given I enter "Smith" into the "username" field

                       and I enter <User_Name> into the "User[1]" field if it exists

                       and I enter "[DataChain]Name" into the <surname> field

                       and I enter "Blank" into the "New pas.w.rd.*verify" field

                       and I enter "xyz" into the "trans[4:colname]" table 

                   When I type "xyz" into the transaction field and return

                       and I type "{Tab}{Enter}" into the "xyz" field

                     Then I sendkeys "xyz"  to the screen

                       and I sendkeys "{F11}" to the screen

                       and I sendkeys "TE_PF12" to the screen

                     Then I press the Enter key

Select from a List

                    Given I select "Dr" from the "title" list

                       and I select <Service> from the "SeviceCode[2]" list if it exists

                       and I select "[DataChain]Name" from the <surname> list

                       and I select "Method 1 Tab" from the "Device Id" javatab

                       and I select "Maintenance" from the "javamenu" list 

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