GherkinUFT  Feature File Importer

Write your Gherkin test scenarios in text .Feature files and they will be imported into the UFT data sheet ready for running.

When the framework initialises, your .Feature file of Gherkin steps is read into the [TestSteps] sheet, some control columns are added to the [Global] sheet, and an [Output] sheet is created. 

All Feature/Scenario descriptions and comments are written into the [TestSteps] sheet. The Scenario steps are split with the Action keywords (Given/When/and/Then) being copied into the 2nd column for information as these do not affect actual processing of the steps. The remainder of the step is copied into the 3rd column named Scenario_Keywords.

The Scenario Example table data is added into the [Global] sheet into existing or new columns over multiple rows. 

Any Tags found will have the name of the .Feature written into the a 'Runner' file so that all of the .Features for that Tag can be run as a batch together. 

The same 'Importer' function will also load reusable Scenarios, by inserting rows into the [TestSteps] sheet.

.Feature Importer

Copy your Gherkin .Feature file into the QueueRun folder and the framework initialisation will import the G/W/T steps into the UFT xls TestSteps sheet.  Any Scenario Example data will be imported into the Global xls sheet.

The UFT script will then run, processing each G/W/T in the TestSteps sheet. If the interpreted step is not a call to an Application function, and not a call to a Keyword function and not a call to a Codeless 'Pro function, then the  Scenario folders will be checked, and if found, the .Feature gherkin file will be included into the TestSteps sheet, for 'Re-Usable' processing.  

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