GherkinUFT  Framework

Get quickly up and automating with the Gherkin UFT Framework. 

Setup your test environment variables in the XML config file. Create a general test with 3 calls to the Initialise, Process & Tear-down functions, and add 4 function libraries to the test. You are now ready to write your first Gherkin .feature test script in a flat text file using an editor like Notepad++ or in an excel spreadsheet. 

And that's it, you are off and running!

Group your Feature Files into Test-Pack batches and Continually run them every night to confirm the quality of the latest environment builds. Also, team members can drop their Feature Files into a Queue folder to start tests automatically picked up by a Task-Scheduled Runner.vbs process. Result progress can be monitored on the HTML dashboard, with Emails to your inbox. 

UFT Framework Function Library

This is the main Function library that controls the processing of the Feature Scenario steps.

After initialisation has loaded the Feature file and any additional system under test Function Libraries and Object Repositories(not usually needed), the main KW_Process_Scenario function takes over.

Every Gherkin step in the [TestSteps] sheet is then interpreted, executed and reported on. This is also repeated for every row of Example data on the [Global] sheet.

All dashboard monitoring and reporting is handled in the KW_HTML_Reporting library. Additional supporting functions are stored in the KW_Various_Functions library.

Framework Folder Structure