GherkinUFT   REST API's

Post, Get, Put & Delete your test data via REST API calls.

When you want your scripts to be re-runable, and always start from a 'Given' know state, use API calls to find or create test data with all of the attributes you need. Then use the GherkinUFT API features with Scenario-Example data to Login, and POST Requests.

Given I login to the API <System> <Web_Service>
When I send a <POST> <Transaction> to the <Web_Service>

These will be translated into Calls to Functions in the KW_API_Functions library.  This does assume that your API is setup with Endpoint URL's and user login info in the system Environment.xml file. 

API Feature File

Write your Gherkin feature file to use the 3 GherkinUFT included API scenarios, to confirm the API is up and running, to Login, and to send a Request. Then use the standard framework to Check the returned results.

API Config.XML

API Functions

Some of the API functions included in the library are:







API Vb Functions

A set of VB coded functions in a Library, to interact with API's.

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