GherkinUFT  Running Features

There are several ways to run a .Feature / .xls test script: 

ALM: Write your Gherkin steps in an xls spreadsheet and add it as a DataTable test resource to your test in the ALM Test Plan. This will then be visible as a dependency in the test configuration, and will automatically load when you run.

Old School: Write your Gherkin steps in an xls spreadsheet and save this as default.xls in the folder of your UFT test, then load/run your test from the UFT ide.

Queue Folder: If you are using the frameworks QueRunner.vbs scheduled task that polls the queue folder every minute, then simply copy your script into the UFTqueuedFiles folder and it will run automatically. The runner.vbs will pass the name of your test data file to the UFT General script via a UFT_DataFile.txt file.

General Script: The framework KWF_General_Test will open the most current file in the \Test_Script folder. So whether its an xls or a .Feature Gherkin script, just make your changes, save them, then re-run from the UFT ide;

Batching Features

MTB Batches: To run a group of scripts together in a 'Feature Pack' we use the old QTP mtb batch runner utility file format. This contains a list of scripts to be run, and additionally the environment config settings to be used ie Run_Start_Date&Time, Run_Env, Run_Pack-Name and Email_Results_To. Then, copy the mtb file into the UFTqueuedFiles folder and the scripts will start running.

TAG Batches: These mtb files are built automatically by the framework when a @Tag is found in a .Feature file. They are also run by copying the mtb file into the UFTqueuedFiles folder. 

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