Gherkin Scenario Outline Examples

For providing additional variant examples of the Scenario.


Scenario Outline Examples:

As we can split Features into several Scenarios, we can also have several Examples for a single scenario. This is achieved by providing a <Name> for each piece of example data in a table format separated by | 


  • | CaseType               | UserName | SQL_Filename       | SQL_Search_Ref   |
  • | Valid Withdrawal  | Default        | SQL-Selector.XML | AccountinCredit   | 
  • | Invalid Default       | Default        | SQL-Selector.XML | AccountInArrears | 

The GherkinUFT framework will load the above example data into the [Global] sheet and these items are accessed in the script by surrounding the Column_Name with the chevrons eg I enter <UserName> into....

The GherkinUFT framework recommends using one set of Scenario Examples per Feature file. 

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