GherkinUFT - WEB Navigation

Use the codeless 'Visit' step description to seamlessly interact with a web browser, navigating to your website and moving 'Back' and  'Forward', 'Refresh'ing and 'Close'ing as required.

Visit a Web Page     

                   Given I visit the "" web page

                      and I visit the "%EnvVar_App_URL" web site

                   When I navigate to the <Start-Up-Page> page

                       and I goto the "" page using the existing browser

                    Then I click the "Back" button 

                      and I click the "Forward" button

                      and I click the "Close Tab" button 

                      and I refresh the browser

                      and I close the browser

Wait until some text appears

                   Given I visit the "" web page

                      and I Wait until the "Shop Now" text exists

                      and I Wait 25 seconds for something to happen 

Capture a screen shot   

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